Hours: 1 HSW
The ability for us to make change and influence decisions impacting our profession, communities and future of Florida depends upon us being active, informed, and purposeful in our efforts to engage leaders and decision makers addressing the challenging concerns of the state regarding the natural, planned and developed environments we enjoy and dwell within.
From natural preservation to resilient planned developments, we need to be in engaged in the conversations, the considerations and opportunities for solutions going forward. We need to be present as considerations of our state are weighed, debated, and decided, not only for our immediate professional processes - but perhaps more importantly the long-term best solutions for us all in Florida, the State we call “home” for generations to come.
Will discuss resilience issues of policy and advocacy at the national and state perspectives regarding policies we need to be aware of.
Understand opportunities for additional actions and policies to be considered.
Explore how we can participate and represent our concerns, expertise, perspectives and solutions on the subjects of where policy can affect change for the better.
Examine how advocacy can encourage critical dialog between ourselves and policy makers in our communities, regions and state.

On Demand Course: $50.00
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1 Hour CEU | Advanced Florida Building Code | Non-Advanced
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