Hours: 1 HSW
As AIA members, it is our ethical duty to incorporate adaptation strategies with our clients to anticipate extreme weather events and minimize adverse effects on the environment, economy, and public health.
Water and energy are essential to sustaining human life. All sources of energy utilize water in its production processes and energy is required to provide water for human use and consumption. Building infrastructure resiliency is critical to the built environment and the health, safety and welfare of its occupants. It is time to take action to ensure a future capable of meeting the water and energy needs of our world.
Understand the reasons behind the biggest impact on depletion of fresh water sources in Florida.
Understand the juxtaposition between site and source energy, the cleanliness of our grid and its impact on the built environment.
Discuss strategies that can help us meet the future water and energy needs of our state.
Explore private and public initiatives as well as other potential initiatives available to help address resource depletion.

On Demand Course: $50.00
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1 Hour CEU | Advanced Florida Building Code | Non-Advanced
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