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CE Lunch: Lighting Tomorrow's Trends: How Lighting Technologies are Changing the Face of Hospitality and Retail Projects

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Start: Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Location: Goodwood Museum & Gardens - Jubilee Cottage

Time: 12 - 1 p.m.

Join us for a presentation by Shanna Olson with IMEG Corp

CEU Program Title: Lighting Tomorrow's Trends: How Lighting Technologies are Changing the Face of Hospitality and Retail Projects

CEU Program Length: 1 Hour

Credits: 1 HSW Credit

Description: The course begins with a quick review of lighting definitions and metrics, which differentiates a lamp source's color and light qualities. This will follow with a discussion on new lamp source and control technologies as well as design techniques. We will illustrate the application of each to showcase how they can transform spaces, create visual interest, evoke emotion, enhance architectural elements, create ease of navigation, and potentially increase sales. We will do this by presenting current and recently completed cutting edge hospitality and commercial project examples.


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